Nashville Star Search [tm]
Trowbridge Symposium 2003
Trowbridge Symposium 2003 - Nashville Star Search[tm]
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2003 Stage


Symposium panel
(l-r) Phil Lister, Ron Cotton, George McClure, Terry Brown

Banquet (partial)

George McClure

Debbie Chessor Photography (l-r) Mimi Ritzen, Debbie Chessor

C&M Mgmt - RowPro Records (l-r) Ron Cotton, Terry Brown

"Publicist" seminar Lynn McCain, McCain & Co.
Award Presentations

Sherry Broce (l) "Best of Show" - Trophy, $500, and free recording session

KC Cronin (l) "Best Song" - Trophy, free recording session (TJ Houston, Raquel Cantu, r)

Kim Wolff (l)
"Best New Talent" - Trophy, free recording session

Cydney Rooks (l)
"Best Emerging Writer" - Trophy, free recording session

Cassie Means (l)
"Best Student" - Trophy, free recording session

Ashley Mitchell (l)
"Student Achievement Award" - Trophy, $300, and free recording session

Guiding Light Choir
"Special Gospel Award" - Trophy, $222

Sound Crew (l-r) Sam and Charles


Eileen Carey (r)

Amy Swift

Cydney Rooks


Fred Prue
Grammy-nominated "Song of the Year" 2002 and Symposium 2002 "Best Song"

Showcasing Lori Morton

Paul Scott

Mimi Roy
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Nashville Star Search®, McClure & Trowbridge
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pid: 2003/photos2003 - Last updated 09/05/03
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